Prayer for the 15th World Day of the Sick
O God, who is Life,
In celebrating this World Day of the Sick,
we thank You for granting us to share the suffering of the sick.
Send forth Your Spirit to console those afflicted with various diseases,
especially those with the incurable illnesses,
and strengthen their faith.
O God, the Lord of Life,
Help the sick and suffering to have firm faith in the resurrection of Christ
and to join the glory of our Lord.
Assure the health care professionals and pastoral workers serving the sick
of the power of the Holy Spirit
so that they can respect human dignity in every circumstance.
O our Lord, who is Love,
We beseech you today,
on the memorial of Our Lady of the Lourdes,
that You may fill our hearts with the affectionate love of Mary
and lead us to approach the sick and their families
and to find joy in showing Your love to them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.